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Explore new retail lighting opportunities with LEDiL’s future proof portfolio
Having spoken with many retail lighting designers from around the world to help identify and solve key pain points, we are pleased to demonstrate how LEDiL’s new, future proof portfolio of lenses and reflectors for track and downlights helps to solve common retail lighting weaknesses.
Our new comprehensive product portfolio enables new lighting opportunities that will help you achieve the most efficient, flexible, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing designs for perfect retail lighting.
Oval beams – the smart choice for aisle lighting
Although a round beam is not ideal for lighting rectangular aisles, track lights with symmetrical beams are often used for retail aisle lighting. This results in an unwanted scalloping effect which can usually be improved by increasing the number of track lights and directing some of them to cover wider aisle angles which unfortunately causes glare. However, adding more tracks without optimal light distribution equals less efficiency.

An oval beam on the other hand is an ideal solution for aisle lighting, helping achieve uniform, beautiful lighting on shelves where it is needed most and without creating unwanted glare. With an aisle optimised beam, fewer luminaires are needed, as can be seen in the pictures below. With the same number of luminaires – the spot beam is clearly not up to the task, whereas the oval performs well. We prefer a smarter solution, using oval optics and fewer luminaires.

In addition to aisle lighting, an oval beam can be used for illuminating any longitudinal objects, like display cases, indoor signage, and shelves.

Despite being an important beam for retail, it is often missing from a portfolio and prevents retailers from illuminating the whole shop with the same track light body. That problem has now been solved as the AMY family of low-profile lenses for slim and elegant track and downlights offers oval beams in 35-, 50- and 70-mm sizes with the last size providing enough light for any type of retail application.
Not every spot is the same but LEDiL offers them all
Spot beams are used to draw attention to a product or display. Depending on the target, distance, and overall atmosphere of the shop, different types of spots are required. Our latest portfolio introduces three different spot beams.
The S beam is a good choice for high contrast lighting using spots with a sharp cutoff where all the light hits the target. To create even more dramatic effects, or illuminate small objects from a longer distance, the RS beam with its sharp cutoff is the one to choose, as it can even provide an 8-degree beam. The S2 beam is perfect for low contrast lighting with a smooth cutoff to create ambient light around an object.
It is often better to trust your eyes than compare degrees, candelas and pay attention purely to numbers. The difference between these three beams in practice can be seen below.

Wall-washers for accents and visual hierarchy
Wall-washing is not only widely used in architectural lighting but there is also a big interest from retail. Wall-washing illuminates a vertical surface with uniform brightness and helps create visual hierarchy, for example at check-out counters, as well as accentuating the clothes and shoes on display. The importance of wall-washing as an accentuator of merchandise can be clearly seen in the pictures below.

Depending on luminaire preference wall-washing can be created with track lights or downlights. Track lights can always be tilted towards a vertical plane quite easily, while downlights typically don’t illuminate a wall evenly even when placed close to it. However, with a wall-washer beam, perfect results can also be achieved with downlight designs.
The availability of wall-washing optics for downlights is very limited. This is why wall-washer downlights are often missing from the standard portfolio. Buying luminaires from different luminaire manufacturers to complete the assortment may result in different light quality, colour temperature, and mechanics and create an inconsistent look. To ensure standardised light quality it is therefore important for an optics supplier to include wall-washers in their standard portfolio.
We already offer high quality wall-washing optics with smaller COBs such as RONDA-WAS. Very soon the AMY family will include wall-washing beams as well.
LEDiL brings zoom to the mainstream enabling always optimised lighting
Different zoom solutions have been on the market for a while trying to offer always optimal illumination for ever changing retail conditions. However, due to complex mechanical construction, as well as low efficiency, they have never become mainstream. LEDiL has solved both pain points introducing award-winning zoom technology with no axially moving parts and >80 % efficiency. Due to its simple construction the zoom variant is a popular addition to LEDiL’s portfolio and can be used in the same luminaire with other beams.
LEDiL’s zoom gives designers the freedom to design track and downlight luminaires for both static and zoom lenses with little design limitations. It also gives the freedom to adjust lighting whenever and wherever needed. Some retailers even prefer inviting lighting designers to their shops to ensure perfect lighting set ups and luminaires with zoom are ideal tools for them.
In addition to lenses, we have also introduced ADELIA, a new family of sensational reflectors. As different projects need different solutions, we make it easy to fit lenses and reflectors into the same luminaire using the HEKLA system. In choosing LEDiL you can be sure that you will find solution for any need, and everything will work in the system now and in future.
If you would like to know more about our products contact your local LEDiL sales representative or distributor.
Find all oval optics here
Find all <18° spot optics here
Find all zoom optics here
Find all wall-washing optics here
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